Join Suzette West, a Certified HeartMath Mentor, and lifelong spirit dancer, for our Radiant Heart Flow® dance teacher certification course. Suzette perfected Radiant Heart Flow in her practice to co-create the life she wanted along her own Hero's Journey to co-create a meaningful life for herself.
Radiant Heart Flow® is an embodied movement practice that harnesses the intelligence of the mind and heart to tap into the energies of a desired vision and to become a clear channel for receiving a strong discernable "satellite signal" that that can guide you towards the next step on your path. Through a daily Radiant Heart Flow® practice, you will enhance your mind-body connection and improve your kinetic energy to amplify the kinetic/emotion combination that infuses your vision with energizing positive emotional/physical energies, having a supercharging effect on the connection between yourself and your vision.
When you become a Radiant Heart Flow® certified teacher under Suzette's guidance, and learn how to guide yourself and your students towards a more embodied and fulfilling practice. You can help yourself and your dance students develop and refine the potency and power of creative visualization and energy principles to become a clear and engaged channel for receiving the guidance you need to manifest your dreams into reality.
We can't wait to embark on this journey with you! Sign up today and become a Radiant Heart Flow certified teacher under Suzette West's guidance.
We Look Forward To Hearing From You!